Sunday 24 February 2008


Attainment: B

I feel recently I’ve not been as focused as before, but I still feel I produced in the independent study. Mainly due to university interviews and preparing for them has made me lose focus although I still am taking in the information and understanding the work.

Effort: 2

Recently I feel my effort has gone down and that’s mainly due to university interview preparations. However, recently I have successful got into University of Westminster and so I can now get my focus back on my work.

Punctuality: 1

I am always on time to lessons.

Submission and quality of homework: 2

This is one of my strongest points in this subject. I always give my best effort and commitment to my homework. I always ensure that I meet my deadlines and that they are always at a high quality, although recently I have missed one or two.

Ability to work independently- 1

I feel that this is also another strong point about me. I work extremely well on my own and I feel that I can concentrate better and make more progress. In addition, we are doing an independent study whereby I feel I am doing well.

Quality of writing: 2

This is an aspect that can still be improved. I feel that more media terminology can be used. Also my essay writing can improve. I need to make sure that i am showing and applying all my knowledge of the media when I write my essays by using good terminology. Also recently, I’ve been taught about how to write a media style essay paragraph in Mrs.Stevens lessons and I feel that mastering that will be key. In addition I also feel that it is a huge help for me in terms of essay writing for Media studies.

Organisation of media folder: 1

Being organised is one of my main strengths as a person. My folders, for both Mrs.Stevens and Mr.Bush are in tidy and constructed together in a way that it is easy to find what item of work I want. Also I am currently using a different folder for my practical production. So right now I have three media studies folders. The practical production folder is also well organised as well.

Oral contribution: 2

I feel that I have made more oral contribution since the last time I carried out myself assessment, but I still feel not enough.

Comments and contribution to the media Macguffin blog: 1

I feel that the site is useful in that things such as homework can be posted up. Also it’s a great way of noticing other fellow student’s works.

My 3 Targets/ areas of improvement:

1. Improve is use of media terminology
2. Improve my independent study
3. Oral contribution

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