Quote/s from Book:
1. 'I don’t think after ‘Jurassic Park’ that we can, or should, ever accept a model-animated dinosaur again’.
1. 'I don’t think after ‘Jurassic Park’ that we can, or should, ever accept a model-animated dinosaur again’.
· This relates to my study in that it talks about the impact of CGI animation. As I had discussed in my presentation on Shrek, it was in 1995, when ‘Jurassic Park’ (1995) was released that is when the world took notice of CGI animation and that it changed the movie industry forever. The animation was so good that ‘model- animated dinosaurs’ should not be done ever again.
2. Neale, Steve (2002): Genre and contemporary Hollywood.UK.BFI.
Quote/s from Book:
1. ‘Genre is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, a phenomenon that encompasses systems of expectations, categories, label, and names, discourses, texts and groups of courses of texts, and the conventions that govern them all’.
1. ‘Genre is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, a phenomenon that encompasses systems of expectations, categories, label, and names, discourses, texts and groups of courses of texts, and the conventions that govern them all’.
2. ‘Genre is a French word meaning ‘type’ ‘kind’.
3. Lawrence Alloway (1963, 1971) - ‘Alloway… resists the temptation to establish “classic” timeless dimensions in popular films. He insists on the transitional and ephemeral characters of genres, of cycles and of any individual popular film’.
4. 'Many Hollywood films-and many Hollywood genres- are hybrid and multi-generic’.
5. Genre Theory- Aesthetic theories- A. ‘Most modern conceptions of genre derive from Romanticism and Romantic attitudes’. B. ‘the putatively routine, formulaic and impersonal nature of genres. C. ‘putative lack of creativity, originality and individuality’. D. ‘Genre texts are more or less ‘all the same’. (see notes for the whole paragraph and other notes)
· This book is highly useful in that it talks about the genre and which is what my whole study is about.
3. Patmore, Chris (2003), ‘The complete animation course-the principle, practice and techniques of successful animation’, UK, Thames &Hudson Ltd.
Quote/s from Book:
1. ‘Toy Story is recognized as the first full-length feature film to be made in CGI. Not only was Pixar’s animation stunning, but, more importantly, the film had a great story, great characters and a great script. And it was believable to an extent that it was easy to forget you were watching a CGI animation
· This book is useful as it provides a lot about animation itself such as how to make animations, history, animation software’s, impact, films, case studies and more.
4. Cooper, Alison (1997), ‘Media Power?’, London/New York/Sydney, Franklin Watts
Quote/s from Book:
1. The ‘hidden messages’ that we subconsciously receive everyday. Messages can have a powerful impact on our attitudes towards ourselves and other people’. (Example: Appearance is important, ‘images of young women and good looking muscular men appear everyday in magazines and on film and television’.
. This book is useful as and it relates to my wider context issues. It looks at how the power of the media can influence texts. By texts containing ideologies that we ‘subconsciously receive everyday’, it affects our attitudes towards ‘ourselves and others’. This relates to Shrek in that Shrek’s appearance and treatment and how others judge him before they even get to know him. How everyday images of attractive people are seen in the media, sending the ideology and values that image is important. This relates to the Effects theory and the cultivation theory. While a single text does not have much effect, repeated exposure e.g. attractive images of people seen ‘everyday’ in the media’, will make audiences less sensitive.
5. Bowker, Julian (2003), ‘Looking at Media Studies, new edition GCSE’, ?, Hodder & Stoughton
Quote/s from Book:
1. ‘Shrek is an upside down fairytale with an ogre as its hero charged with rescuing fairy tale characters from baddies’.
· This book is useful in that it provides information about ‘comic animation’. Comedy being a major convention and ingredient in a successful animation makes the information useful for my study.
1. ‘Shrek is an upside down fairytale with an ogre as its hero charged with rescuing fairy tale characters from baddies’.
· This book is useful in that it provides information about ‘comic animation’. Comedy being a major convention and ingredient in a successful animation makes the information useful for my study.
6. Downes, Brenda and Miller, Steve (1998), ‘Media Studies’, UK, Hodder Headline Plc.
Quote/s from Book:
1. Hegemony- Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) argued that society’s economic system could not be used alone to control every aspect of intellectual, cultural and political life. Gramsci’s concept of hegemony was defined as a process by which the dominant ideology was able to naturalize aspects of how society is organized’. (e.g. patriarchal society, appearance is important)
· This relates to my wider context and how hegemony has an effect on our society. Many of the dominant ideologies within media texts are still shown e.g. Shrek the Third- patriarchal society, appearance is important etc.
· This relates to my wider context and how hegemony has an effect on our society. Many of the dominant ideologies within media texts are still shown e.g. Shrek the Third- patriarchal society, appearance is important etc.
7. Maltby, Richard (2003), Hollywood Cinema, second edition’, UK, Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Quote/s from Book:
1. As Andrew Tutor puts it, genre “is what we collectively believe it to be”. We know a thriller when we see one
2. Genre may appear to be bound by systems of rules, but an individual genre inevitably transgresses those rules in differentiating itself from other movies in the same genre’.
· This book is useful as it has a lot of detail about Hollywood genre which relates to my text ‘Shrek the Third’ (2007)
1. As Andrew Tutor puts it, genre “is what we collectively believe it to be”. We know a thriller when we see one
2. Genre may appear to be bound by systems of rules, but an individual genre inevitably transgresses those rules in differentiating itself from other movies in the same genre’.
· This book is useful as it has a lot of detail about Hollywood genre which relates to my text ‘Shrek the Third’ (2007)

8. Branston, Gill and Stafford, Roy, (2003), ‘The Media Students Book’, , Routledge
Quote/s from Book:
1. Genre- a system of expectation is set up around it, one which involves repetition and difference and which depends on a classification’.
2. Genre films have always involved some kind of ‘hybridity’ and are never pure westerns or horrors etc.
3. Hollywood has always tried to attract as many audience segments as possible
1. Genre- a system of expectation is set up around it, one which involves repetition and difference and which depends on a classification’.
2. Genre films have always involved some kind of ‘hybridity’ and are never pure westerns or horrors etc.
3. Hollywood has always tried to attract as many audience segments as possible
· This is another useful book about genre.
9.Sullivan, Tim O’ (2003), Studying the Media: An Introduction, US, Oxford University Press
Quote/s from Book:
1. ‘Repetition in the TV narrative occurs at a level of the series: formats are repeated, situations return week after week. Each time there is a novelty. The characters of the situation comedy encounter a new dilemma: the documentary reveals a new problem: the news gives us a fresh strike, a new government, a new earthquake, the first panda born in captivity… The series is composed of segments. The recognition of the series format tends to hold segments together and to provide them with an element of continuity and narrative progressions from one text to the next.’
2. The concept of genre, developed particularly in the study of film and literature, is a way of classifying particular styles or types of media texts by identifying their common elements and distinctive features, the codes and convention associated with particular genres. These are repeated again and again over time, often across the media, and act as rules used by both producers and audiences to encode and decode certain types of texts.
· This book is very useful in that it gives a detailed idea of the media, its history and aspects of the key concepts which will be highly useful when it comes to researching e.g. genre, audiences. The book covers all the theories we’ve studied e.g. hypodermic needle and discusses issues such as children and media violence.
10. Nelmes, Jill, (1996), An Introduction to Film Studies’, USA and Canada, Routledge
Quote/s from Book:
1. ‘Groupings of actual films inductively linked on the basis of common themes, styles and iconography’
· This book is useful for my study as it has useful paragraphs about genre.
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