Sunday 25 November 2007

Media Dictionary 3

1. Edit- the process of shaping and construction of a media text. All films are edited which relates to my text Shrek the Third has been edited by Chris Miller and co.

2. Horror- A type of film genre which aims to frighten its audience. Although Shrek the Third may not be a horror, however it does use certain conventions of the horror genre as seen in the scene involving Shrek having a dream about baby. The scene involved mysterious diegetic sound and darkness in the mise-en-scene to create both fear and tension in the scene.

3. Hollywood- A large US film industry based in Los Angeles, California. ‘Shrek the Third’ (2007) voiceovers are done by famous Hollywood stars e.g. Cameron Diaz

4. Hybrid- A cross between genres in a film. Shrek the Third contains a lot of links to other genres e.g. horror, romance etc. and so it can be said that the film is not only an animation but a hybrid.

5. Patriarchy- A male dominated society. A patriarchal society is evident within Shrek the hero: dominant, in control etc. the film and is also an aspect to cover in my wider context and gender representations in films

6. Vladimir Propp- Theorist who defines good vs evil and the character roles. Shrek the Third applies Propp’s theory of films having a good vs evil battle. In the film the battle is Shrek (hero, good) Vs Prince Charming (villain, evil)

7. Trailer- A short teaser which usually last between 1-30 seconds whereby the film is promoted and advertised. Shrek the Third uses trailers as a way of promoting the film.

8. Typography- the text. This is relevant to my study as the typography of the title Shrek is recognisable through its Shrek- ogre green colour and the two Shrek ears sticking out of the letter ‘S’ (also seen on number 2 in Shrek 2)

9. Youth culture- the stereotypes of youth and culture. This is relevant to Shrek as a wider context because ‘slang’, which is associated with the youth of today, is used in the film.

10. Zeitgeist- the “sprit of the age”. This relates towards my wider context and society at the time

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