Thursday 24 January 2008

Independent Study tutorial targets

· Remove Paragraph 2- ‘Discovery and Development of animation’ from the independent study.

· Do not just regurgitate history of animation but discuss social issues at the time and why it has been successful. Also when looking at historical texts look at how the text had an impact on society at the time and also link back to ‘Shrek the Third’ and contemporary CGI animated films.

· Talk about Paragraph 8- ‘Animation outside films’ earlier in the essay.

· Technology can do everything in animation, but no matter what it requires an artist to do art and the stories to be created by humans. (Quote for this: “the term CGI is a misnomer- the computer doesn’t really generate the image. That would be like calling traditional cel animation Pencil- Generated imagery. No matter what the tool is, it requires an artist to create art”- John Lasseter).

· Look up theorist of genre plus quotes and discuss about how and why a genre may have to change/adapt in order to continue. Why do genres change over time?

1. Changes in target audience
2. Change in audience expectations
3. Changes in society, ideologies, values and representations
4. Censorship and Codes of Conduct
5. Influence of particular texts, stars, authors and directors
6. Media Institutions e.g. the film industry
7. Changes in technology

· Ensure that the essay links back to the idea of how has animation become successful and not just focusing on details about amazing technology and advancements overpowering the essay.

. Keep it concise

. Animation 'Golden Age'.

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