Monday 15 October 2007

Course Evaluation

1. How well is the course organised?-1

· The course is structured very well and we always complete everything in the course structure even though we sometimes are behind.

2. How interesting is the content that is covered?
· The independent study is great in that you get to explore an area of your interest.

3. How useful are the handouts? -1
· We have had not many handouts however the one we received ‘media dictionary’ is great. It is highly useful and good for a place to pick up and learn media terminology and I feel in the long term will prove to be very valuable.

4. Have the lessons been well-paced?-1
· The lessons have been placed well and at suitable times. Monday morning could have been moved to the afternoon as people would be more awake, but otherwise it has been well placed.

5. What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge? -1
· Excellent. The teachers know their stuff and present it in a manner that we all understand it fully; nothing more needs to be said.

6. How well has the course met your expectations? -2
· The course has met most of my expectations, however I do feel that there is a lack of progress

7. Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (E.g. Media Awards Evening, Trips)-1
· They are fun and allow us to break away from the normal routine which is always good.

8. Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?-1
· The blog has been very useful in that it allows teachers to post up homework and easy to access and a great place to refer to for the latest homework or media news in the school.



1. Presentations

2. Posting of work on blog

3. Teachers presentation of the course


1. More progress

2. More general class debates like the ones we have after a presentation.

3. More worksheets

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